Appointment booking

Appointments can be made by calling the practice reception on 07 3353 7034, alternatively get in touch via our General Enquiry form – we will contact you to confirm the details of your booking.

A valid GP or specialist referral is required to make an appointment with Dr Friebe.

Appointment cancellation

Appointments may be cancelled by calling the consulting rooms as soon as possible on 07 3353 7034, or by replying “no” to the confirmation text sent to your mobile phone prior to the appointment.

What to bring to your consultation

  • Medicare and Private Health Insurance documentation (Medicare Card, Insurance Card etc).
  • A valid Referral letter from your GP or referring specialist (or ensure that a referral has been sent to us directly).
  • Any x-rays, scans, pathology or test results relating to your clincal issue.

Quick Enquiry